Today I have something a bit different for you. I interviewed several of my guy friends and asked them a few questions about makeup and women. I got this idea from Nic and Sam Chapman from Pixiwoo. I didn't use all the questions they asked, in fact I made a few questions of my own.
1) Why do you think women wear makeup?
Sam,14: To make themselves more attractive
Jack, 16: To impress people
Tommy,16: because they want to look pretty
Zach,16: To enhance their beauty
Mitchell,16: To cover-up flaws
Connor,18: For different reasons, some girls wear it to stand out and really impress guys. Some wear it because that's what their mom did/does and her mom before her and so on. Some girls wear makeup because the world tells them aren't pretty enough without it.
Aden, 18: I think women wear makeup to hide their imperfections because they insecure about their natural state even if their natural state is so beautiful.
Mark, 23: Part of it is pressure to conform to stereotypical beauty. Sometimes they just like to wear makeup to be confident
2) What makeup look do you like on women the most?
Sam: natural makeup
Jack: natural makeup
Tommy: natural makeup
Mitchell: natural makeup
Zach: heavy makeup. A smoky eye, red lips and some blush.
Connor: I like it when the girl wears a little lip gloss, light and thin contrasting eye shadow and that's it.
Aden: I like a women with less to no makeup on their face because having the confidence to present their true natural self to the public is the sexiest thing in the world
Mark: next to no makeup
3) What keeps you interested in a woman/ what personality qualities make you attracted to them?
Sam: how they are as a person
Jack: Wanting to do stuff for her
Tommy: Funny, cute, smart, outgoing, common interests
Mitchell: easy-going, not fake
Zach: funny, outgoing, sarcastic
Connor: I think a girl is attractive, personality wise, when she is happy. Sure, there are ups and downs in life, but when a girl is optimistic, I take notice
Aden: Confidence and being effervescent are the qualities I look in a women because embracing the true self makes me engaged because I do not like a really really shy person who doesn't feel at all confident in the relationship and herself
Mark: intelligence, humor, doesn't take self too seriously
4) What makeup look do you not like a woman?
Sam: Caked on makeup
Jack: too much, over the top
Mitchell: As long as your makeup is consistent, it doesn't matter to me.
Zach: bad fake eyelashes, colors that don't fit your skin tone.
Connor: I'm not a big fan of a bunch of makeup
Aden: cake face is really unattractive
Mark: heavy makeup and giant eyelashes
5) What is the first thing you notice about a woman's appearance? Personality?
Sam: Appearance is face
Jack: hair color/hair in general, unless their wearing something red. Manner of speaking
Tommy: face and common interests
Mitchell: hair, intelligence
Zach: eyebrows, styled hair, piercings and humor.
Connor: Laugh. I'm not sure what kind of smile/laugh combo I like most, I just know when I hear it and see it, man that girl is really pretty! Then my entire goal becomes making her laugh, because I love it so much. Personality: I guess I would say her reaction to me asking her how she was. I don't want some girl giving brutal or depressing honesty. Lie to me! Tell me what the struggles have been so far in the day and still say your feeling good. I guess the first thing I notice is how she handles the lows of life.
Aden: If they are lovable and down to earth. I get really unsure and turned off if she elaborates about her own personal gains and fortunes
Mark: face, hair, manner of speaking (vocabulary, accent)
6) Do you think it's important for women to wear makeup?
Sam: No, I don't care if you wear makeup or not
Jack: No it's not important unless trying to impress someone
Tommy: No
Mitchell: If you're going to do it be consistent
Zach: No but it depends on the situation
Connor: In general, no. Screw men really, let's see a guy spend 2 hours to look perfect for a girl who just eye rapes them.Personally not really. I love the whole natural look. It's Real. But I still prefer a touch of eye shadow and lip gloss.
Aden: I think it's not crucial at all because the only makeup they need is their genetic makeup ;)
Mark: No, they shouldn't feel like they have to wear makeup
There you have it folks! We finally learn what men really think about our makeup choices and how we are as people. I really hope you enjoyed this post, as I enjoyed putting it together and interview all the boys. I'll see you on Friday for my February favorites. Don't worry FGF will be up and running next friday! Have a good Wednesday and I'll see you on Friday.
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