Hello Everyone,
Today a four year old taught me a lesson. A lesson that I forget most days: Trying. My four year old niece, Lily, and I were coloring and Lily asked me to make paper airplanes and was telling me all about how her friends in school and her learned how to make paper airplanes. I told her I couldn't make paper airplanes and that I'd never learned. Truth was I learned but was never any good at it. Lily said one simple word: Try. I said okay and she handed me a piece of paper. I started to make airplane as best as I could. I wasn't any good at it but Lily loved it. She said I was the best paper airplane maker she ever saw and loved it when I threw the planes that only went about a 5 feet away from me. It was then that I remembered that young children don't care how crappy you are at the things they want you to do, they just care that you did it. Lily taught me a lesson today. Trying is something I forget to do often when I'm not passionate about the topic. I didn't really want to make paper airplanes but I tried because when a small person asks you to do something you do it.
Go ahead and try something today,
Friday, June 20, 2014
Friday, June 13, 2014
Hello Everyone,
Due to some recent events in my life I have come to the conclusion
that in order to improve my blog and videos I need some feedback from my
readers. So if you would take 10 minutes out of your day to take this
survey I created I would really appreciate it.
That is the link to the survey. Please go take it as it would really help me bring better content to you.Thanks and Have a Great Weekend!
Monday, June 9, 2014
I'm Back
Hello Everyone,
I'm back from my little hiatus! I have been very busy while being away. I designed a new look for my blog which you should be seeing in July. I got my grades up and I have been filming videos for you. All that aside I'm excited to be back. I have loads of ideas for new posts and videos. I will be back on my old schedule of 3 posts, 3 days a week almost every week. I know 2 months away is very unfair to you all so I already have ideas how I'm going to improve that for you this coming fall. I'm excited to see what this summer brings me and you.
Also, I'm going resume Media Monday next week
I'm back from my little hiatus! I have been very busy while being away. I designed a new look for my blog which you should be seeing in July. I got my grades up and I have been filming videos for you. All that aside I'm excited to be back. I have loads of ideas for new posts and videos. I will be back on my old schedule of 3 posts, 3 days a week almost every week. I know 2 months away is very unfair to you all so I already have ideas how I'm going to improve that for you this coming fall. I'm excited to see what this summer brings me and you.
Also, I'm going resume Media Monday next week
Monday, March 24, 2014
New Schedule until May
Hello Everyone,
I have a few things that I think will make it easier for me that I have to tell you about. It's almost April which means the end of the school year is almost here for me. If you've noticed recently I haven't been able to post as often as I would like because I've been busy with school and other activities and that's not fair to you. I have have come up with a new schedule to help me bring more content, better content to you at a more relaxed pace.
I will still be posting 3 days a week but only every other week. This week will start that. I will post 3 posts this week and then next I won't post even a single word. I feel like this will be beneficial to you as you will get more content that is at a higher quality and it will be beneficial to me because then I can focus on my schooling and trying to get a job to be able to go to Playlist next year. The normal schedule will resume a week after school gets out.
Thanks for understanding. I'll see you on Wednesday!
I have a few things that I think will make it easier for me that I have to tell you about. It's almost April which means the end of the school year is almost here for me. If you've noticed recently I haven't been able to post as often as I would like because I've been busy with school and other activities and that's not fair to you. I have have come up with a new schedule to help me bring more content, better content to you at a more relaxed pace.
I will still be posting 3 days a week but only every other week. This week will start that. I will post 3 posts this week and then next I won't post even a single word. I feel like this will be beneficial to you as you will get more content that is at a higher quality and it will be beneficial to me because then I can focus on my schooling and trying to get a job to be able to go to Playlist next year. The normal schedule will resume a week after school gets out.
Thanks for understanding. I'll see you on Wednesday!
Monday, March 17, 2014
Media Monday #23
Hello Everyone,
Happy St.Patrick's Day!
Today I have one app to review for you, and some really awesome songs.
The one app that have today is Pinterest. I used to use this app all the time, but I have recently rediscovered this app. I found it great to get ideas for my future home, hairstyles, makeup tips, etc. It's has pretty much every thing on it. Now on to songs.
Human-Christina Perri
I've had this song and repeat for days. I've already choreographed a dance to this song. It's just such a raw and emotional song.The way the music gets really intense then soft again is really neat.
Drunk In Love- Beyonce
This song has been my jam for a few weeks now and I can't stop listening to it. Beyonce absolutely slayed with this song. It's so good and can't stop listening to it.
That's it for this Monday! I'll see you on Wednesday for a makeup post. Sorry for being MIA recently I've been really busy with school and we had loads of standardized tests last week. I'm back now!
Happy St.Patrick's Day!
Today I have one app to review for you, and some really awesome songs.
The one app that have today is Pinterest. I used to use this app all the time, but I have recently rediscovered this app. I found it great to get ideas for my future home, hairstyles, makeup tips, etc. It's has pretty much every thing on it. Now on to songs.
Human-Christina Perri
I've had this song and repeat for days. I've already choreographed a dance to this song. It's just such a raw and emotional song.The way the music gets really intense then soft again is really neat.
Drunk In Love- Beyonce
This song has been my jam for a few weeks now and I can't stop listening to it. Beyonce absolutely slayed with this song. It's so good and can't stop listening to it.
That's it for this Monday! I'll see you on Wednesday for a makeup post. Sorry for being MIA recently I've been really busy with school and we had loads of standardized tests last week. I'm back now!
Friday, March 7, 2014
February Favorites 2014
Hello Everyone,
Today I have my February Favorites for you. I was getting over a cold so that's why I'm sniffling so much. Don't worry FGF will continue next Friday. I just wanted to get this video before it was too late into the month.
Here ya go! Enjoy
Products Mentioned:
Jo Malone Bay and Blackberry Cologne: http://www.jomalone.com/product/9526/23540/Fragrances/Colognes/Fruity/Blackberry-Bay/Blackberry-Bay-Cologne#
Steven Madden Boots: http://www.stevemadden.com/Item.aspx?id=102704&np=261
Sam Edelman Boots: http://www.samedelman.com/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?p=EC0213738&pg=3012046
Chanel "Pink Twist" Lipgloss: http://www.chanel.com/en_US/fragrance-beauty/Makeup-Lipstick-ROUGE-DOUBLE-INTENSIT%C3%89-88831
Aquaphor: https://www.eucerinus.com/products/aquaphor/aquaphor-healing-ointment.html
Jungle Book record: http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/251315612908?lpid=82
My Links:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/brittjanie1
Instagram: http://instagram.com/brittney_sutherin15#
Facebook: www.https://www.facebook.com/BrittneySutherin
Tumblr: www.brittney.sutherin.tumblr.com
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Hope you all have a good weekend and I'll see you on Monday!
Today I have my February Favorites for you. I was getting over a cold so that's why I'm sniffling so much. Don't worry FGF will continue next Friday. I just wanted to get this video before it was too late into the month.
Here ya go! Enjoy
Products Mentioned:
Jo Malone Bay and Blackberry Cologne: http://www.jomalone.com/product/9526/23540/Fragrances/Colognes/Fruity/Blackberry-Bay/Blackberry-Bay-Cologne#
Steven Madden Boots: http://www.stevemadden.com/Item.aspx?id=102704&np=261
Sam Edelman Boots: http://www.samedelman.com/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?p=EC0213738&pg=3012046
Chanel "Pink Twist" Lipgloss: http://www.chanel.com/en_US/fragrance-beauty/Makeup-Lipstick-ROUGE-DOUBLE-INTENSIT%C3%89-88831
Aquaphor: https://www.eucerinus.com/products/aquaphor/aquaphor-healing-ointment.html
Jungle Book record: http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/251315612908?lpid=82
My Links:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/brittjanie1
Instagram: http://instagram.com/brittney_sutherin15#
Facebook: www.https://www.facebook.com/BrittneySutherin
Tumblr: www.brittney.sutherin.tumblr.com
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Hope you all have a good weekend and I'll see you on Monday!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Men, Makeup, and Answers.
Hello Everyone,
Today I have something a bit different for you. I interviewed several of my guy friends and asked them a few questions about makeup and women. I got this idea from Nic and Sam Chapman from Pixiwoo. I didn't use all the questions they asked, in fact I made a few questions of my own.
1) Why do you think women wear makeup?
Sam,14: To make themselves more attractive
Jack, 16: To impress people
Tommy,16: because they want to look pretty
Zach,16: To enhance their beauty
Mitchell,16: To cover-up flaws
Connor,18: For different reasons, some girls wear it to stand out and really impress guys. Some wear it because that's what their mom did/does and her mom before her and so on. Some girls wear makeup because the world tells them aren't pretty enough without it.
Aden, 18: I think women wear makeup to hide their imperfections because they insecure about their natural state even if their natural state is so beautiful.
Mark, 23: Part of it is pressure to conform to stereotypical beauty. Sometimes they just like to wear makeup to be confident
2) What makeup look do you like on women the most?
Sam: natural makeup
Jack: natural makeup
Tommy: natural makeup
Mitchell: natural makeup
Zach: heavy makeup. A smoky eye, red lips and some blush.
Connor: I like it when the girl wears a little lip gloss, light and thin contrasting eye shadow and that's it.
Aden: I like a women with less to no makeup on their face because having the confidence to present their true natural self to the public is the sexiest thing in the world
Mark: next to no makeup
3) What keeps you interested in a woman/ what personality qualities make you attracted to them?
Sam: how they are as a person
Jack: Wanting to do stuff for her
Tommy: Funny, cute, smart, outgoing, common interests
Mitchell: easy-going, not fake
Zach: funny, outgoing, sarcastic
Connor: I think a girl is attractive, personality wise, when she is happy. Sure, there are ups and downs in life, but when a girl is optimistic, I take notice
Aden: Confidence and being effervescent are the qualities I look in a women because embracing the true self makes me engaged because I do not like a really really shy person who doesn't feel at all confident in the relationship and herself
Mark: intelligence, humor, doesn't take self too seriously
Tommy: over the top
Mitchell: As long as your makeup is consistent, it doesn't matter to me.
Zach: bad fake eyelashes, colors that don't fit your skin tone.
Connor: I'm not a big fan of a bunch of makeup
Aden: cake face is really unattractive
Mark: heavy makeup and giant eyelashes
5) What is the first thing you notice about a woman's appearance? Personality?
Sam: Appearance is face
Jack: hair color/hair in general, unless their wearing something red. Manner of speaking
Tommy: face and common interests
Mitchell: hair, intelligence
Zach: eyebrows, styled hair, piercings and humor.
Connor: Laugh. I'm not sure what kind of smile/laugh combo I like most, I just know when I hear it and see it, man that girl is really pretty! Then my entire goal becomes making her laugh, because I love it so much. Personality: I guess I would say her reaction to me asking her how she was. I don't want some girl giving brutal or depressing honesty. Lie to me! Tell me what the struggles have been so far in the day and still say your feeling good. I guess the first thing I notice is how she handles the lows of life.
Mark: face, hair, manner of speaking (vocabulary, accent)
6) Do you think it's important for women to wear makeup?
Sam: No, I don't care if you wear makeup or not
Jack: No it's not important unless trying to impress someone
Tommy: No
Mitchell: If you're going to do it be consistent
Zach: No but it depends on the situation
Connor: In general, no. Screw men really, let's see a guy spend 2 hours to look perfect for a girl who just eye rapes them.Personally not really. I love the whole natural look. It's Real. But I still prefer a touch of eye shadow and lip gloss.
Aden: I think it's not crucial at all because the only makeup they need is their genetic makeup ;)
Mark: No, they shouldn't feel like they have to wear makeup
There you have it folks! We finally learn what men really think about our makeup choices and how we are as people. I really hope you enjoyed this post, as I enjoyed putting it together and interview all the boys. I'll see you on Friday for my February favorites. Don't worry FGF will be up and running next friday! Have a good Wednesday and I'll see you on Friday.
Today I have something a bit different for you. I interviewed several of my guy friends and asked them a few questions about makeup and women. I got this idea from Nic and Sam Chapman from Pixiwoo. I didn't use all the questions they asked, in fact I made a few questions of my own.
1) Why do you think women wear makeup?
Sam,14: To make themselves more attractive
Jack, 16: To impress people
Tommy,16: because they want to look pretty
Zach,16: To enhance their beauty
Mitchell,16: To cover-up flaws
Connor,18: For different reasons, some girls wear it to stand out and really impress guys. Some wear it because that's what their mom did/does and her mom before her and so on. Some girls wear makeup because the world tells them aren't pretty enough without it.
Aden, 18: I think women wear makeup to hide their imperfections because they insecure about their natural state even if their natural state is so beautiful.
Mark, 23: Part of it is pressure to conform to stereotypical beauty. Sometimes they just like to wear makeup to be confident
2) What makeup look do you like on women the most?
Sam: natural makeup
Jack: natural makeup
Tommy: natural makeup
Mitchell: natural makeup
Zach: heavy makeup. A smoky eye, red lips and some blush.
Connor: I like it when the girl wears a little lip gloss, light and thin contrasting eye shadow and that's it.
Aden: I like a women with less to no makeup on their face because having the confidence to present their true natural self to the public is the sexiest thing in the world
Mark: next to no makeup
3) What keeps you interested in a woman/ what personality qualities make you attracted to them?
Sam: how they are as a person
Jack: Wanting to do stuff for her
Tommy: Funny, cute, smart, outgoing, common interests
Mitchell: easy-going, not fake
Zach: funny, outgoing, sarcastic
Connor: I think a girl is attractive, personality wise, when she is happy. Sure, there are ups and downs in life, but when a girl is optimistic, I take notice
Aden: Confidence and being effervescent are the qualities I look in a women because embracing the true self makes me engaged because I do not like a really really shy person who doesn't feel at all confident in the relationship and herself
Mark: intelligence, humor, doesn't take self too seriously
4) What makeup look do you not like a woman?
Sam: Caked on makeup
Jack: too much, over the top
Mitchell: As long as your makeup is consistent, it doesn't matter to me.
Zach: bad fake eyelashes, colors that don't fit your skin tone.
Connor: I'm not a big fan of a bunch of makeup
Aden: cake face is really unattractive
Mark: heavy makeup and giant eyelashes
5) What is the first thing you notice about a woman's appearance? Personality?
Sam: Appearance is face
Jack: hair color/hair in general, unless their wearing something red. Manner of speaking
Tommy: face and common interests
Mitchell: hair, intelligence
Zach: eyebrows, styled hair, piercings and humor.
Connor: Laugh. I'm not sure what kind of smile/laugh combo I like most, I just know when I hear it and see it, man that girl is really pretty! Then my entire goal becomes making her laugh, because I love it so much. Personality: I guess I would say her reaction to me asking her how she was. I don't want some girl giving brutal or depressing honesty. Lie to me! Tell me what the struggles have been so far in the day and still say your feeling good. I guess the first thing I notice is how she handles the lows of life.
Aden: If they are lovable and down to earth. I get really unsure and turned off if she elaborates about her own personal gains and fortunes
Mark: face, hair, manner of speaking (vocabulary, accent)
6) Do you think it's important for women to wear makeup?
Sam: No, I don't care if you wear makeup or not
Jack: No it's not important unless trying to impress someone
Tommy: No
Mitchell: If you're going to do it be consistent
Zach: No but it depends on the situation
Connor: In general, no. Screw men really, let's see a guy spend 2 hours to look perfect for a girl who just eye rapes them.Personally not really. I love the whole natural look. It's Real. But I still prefer a touch of eye shadow and lip gloss.
Aden: I think it's not crucial at all because the only makeup they need is their genetic makeup ;)
Mark: No, they shouldn't feel like they have to wear makeup
There you have it folks! We finally learn what men really think about our makeup choices and how we are as people. I really hope you enjoyed this post, as I enjoyed putting it together and interview all the boys. I'll see you on Friday for my February favorites. Don't worry FGF will be up and running next friday! Have a good Wednesday and I'll see you on Friday.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Media Monday #22
Hello Everyone,
Happy President's Day/ Happy No School Day!! Today I have a few things to review for you. Lets Start with movies....
The Spectacular Now
On Saturday, I rented this movie because I had not seen it in theater. I'm glad I did not spend 10 dollars to go see this in the theater. This movie is about a boy named Sutter. Who is trying to apply to college but his girlfriend just broke up with him and so he goes out to parties every night. Then he meets this girl named Aimee who supposedly changes Sutter's philosophy about his life. I didn't really see Sutter's whole philosophy change. Sutter through out the movie, just appeared to be obsessed with his ex-girlfriend and he still got drunk and partied. The character development was crappy, the plot was crappy. It was a movie that after I watched said "Why did I just waste 2 hours of my life on that?"
Music is up next.
Dark Horse by Katy Perry featuring Juicy J
My brother bought this on iTunes on Friday. I've been listening to it non stop since he bought it. It's such a good song. I can't wait to come up with a dance to this. This is definitely one of Katy Perry's better songs. The Juicy J part really does fit with the song. Sometimes rap doesn't mesh well with songs but Juicy J makes it work.
Talk Dirty to Me -Jason Derulo
I first heard this song on the radio a few weeks ago and loved it. I didn't know what the name of the song was though. I searched and searched for this song until Sadie Hawkins. One of the girls in my group Sarah, told me what the song was called because it played at the dance. I don't know what it is about this song. The catchy background music, how well the it all comes together or what but I really love this song.
That's it for this President's day! I hope you enjoy your day off. If you don't have a day off then I hope you have a lovely school/work day! See you on Wednesday!
Happy President's Day/ Happy No School Day!! Today I have a few things to review for you. Lets Start with movies....
The Spectacular Now
On Saturday, I rented this movie because I had not seen it in theater. I'm glad I did not spend 10 dollars to go see this in the theater. This movie is about a boy named Sutter. Who is trying to apply to college but his girlfriend just broke up with him and so he goes out to parties every night. Then he meets this girl named Aimee who supposedly changes Sutter's philosophy about his life. I didn't really see Sutter's whole philosophy change. Sutter through out the movie, just appeared to be obsessed with his ex-girlfriend and he still got drunk and partied. The character development was crappy, the plot was crappy. It was a movie that after I watched said "Why did I just waste 2 hours of my life on that?"
Music is up next.
Dark Horse by Katy Perry featuring Juicy J
My brother bought this on iTunes on Friday. I've been listening to it non stop since he bought it. It's such a good song. I can't wait to come up with a dance to this. This is definitely one of Katy Perry's better songs. The Juicy J part really does fit with the song. Sometimes rap doesn't mesh well with songs but Juicy J makes it work.
Talk Dirty to Me -Jason Derulo
I first heard this song on the radio a few weeks ago and loved it. I didn't know what the name of the song was though. I searched and searched for this song until Sadie Hawkins. One of the girls in my group Sarah, told me what the song was called because it played at the dance. I don't know what it is about this song. The catchy background music, how well the it all comes together or what but I really love this song.
That's it for this President's day! I hope you enjoy your day off. If you don't have a day off then I hope you have a lovely school/work day! See you on Wednesday!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Media Monday #21
It's once again a monday of the year 2014, which many of you know means a Media Monday! Today I have one movie, a few youtubers, and several apps to review for your reading pleasure.
Let's start with the movie.
This past weekend I saw the Monuments Men. It was very good. The all-star cast did a fantastic job and it was really intriguing. The locations where they shot the movie were breathtaking. The castle that the characters stop at in the movie is the castle that Walt Disney based Cinderella's castle on in the movie Cinderella and in the Magic Kingdom at Disney World.
There are several reasons why this movie was intriguing to me. The first and biggest of them was the premise. Something about a movie based on a true story with Matt Damon in it was really compelling. The second reason was that it was the kind of movie that made me want to do research. If I am actually moved to my computer to google about art lost in WWII by a movie, it was probably really good. It made me wonder how much culture was lost in the war through various means. George Clooney's character had a very thought-provoking line about how the Nazis didn't just want to kill the people they disliked, they wanted to make it seem like they had never existed. I thought about that line for a good long while. This was a new way to think about a lot of the things I'd learned about WWII in school.
On to Youtubers...
First up is a fifteen-year-old girl named Katie Joslin. I found her videos after she sent me a message on youtube asking me to check out her videos. I really liked what I watched. Katie does fashion and beauty mostly, and occasional personal videos.
Next up is Bunny Meyer from Texas. She had a youtube ad on a video I was watching and I decided to check her video out. Bunny also is mostly a beauty youtuber. What I liked about her videos was that she isn't the stereotypical beauty guru. She makes her videos funny and she doesn't do haul videos or anything.
Solitaire. I've been playing Solitaire (made by MobilityWare) for about a month. It's really my go-to entertainment when I have to wait for something nowadays. I play it before bed a lot. You don't need wifi to play this so that is a plus.
Virtual Families 2 is the next app. It's like a knockoff Sims. I really like that I can own my own little family. I play this almost every day. It's just a little game to pass the time away. I also really enjoy it
because it's one of the few game apps along with Solitaire that require no wifi to play.
Tumblr is the third app that I've been enjoying. I usually don't use tumblr that much, but this app has made me want to go on tumblr more often. It's much easier to reblog something by just holding down the button verses clicking 2 or 3 different buttons and going through like 10 different steps to reblog something. You obviously need wifi to run this app because Tumblr is on the Internet.
An app called The Hunt is the fourth. If you watch MakeupbyMandy24 on YouTube you may have already heard of this app. What this app does is...if you find an outfit that you don't know where where the shirt or another item of clothing came from. You can take a picture of it and post it to this app and the community will help you find out where you can get it. This has come in handy since I've been on Tumblr more often.
The final app is the Urban Outfitters app. I've recently loved looking at the clothes and apartment goodies they sell. This is app is set up very nice. It has a radio, news, you can find a store and shop all through this app.
That's it for today! Have a good rest of your monday! See you on Wednesday for a Winter Formal 2014 post.
Sadie Hawkins 2014
Hello Everyone,
This past weekend was our school's Sadie Hawkins dance. I went with a few friends. We had dinner at my house, took pictures, played Uno and Apples to Apples then went to the dance. Even though the actual dance itself was lame unless you wanted to vigorously grind on your date in the middle of the dance floor, which (call me crazy!) didn't sound appealing to me. It got me thinking why I go to or even want to go to these dances.
Reason One,
It's fun to dress up. Every once in a while its fun to dress up in a pretty dress, put on killer heels, get your makeup done special and go out.
Reason Two,
You get to go out, looking gorgeous, with your friends. When high school comes around you don't have much time to go out to every social event because of schoolwork and other activities. It's nice to have the opportunity to go hang out with our friends.
Reason Three,
Believe it or not, I kinda enjoy planning who's in my group, where we're eating, etc. It's fun to plan an evening that you know your friends will enjoy.
Well that's it for this-....Did you think I was gonna leave you without any photos? Nah, I'm not that mean. :)
This past weekend was our school's Sadie Hawkins dance. I went with a few friends. We had dinner at my house, took pictures, played Uno and Apples to Apples then went to the dance. Even though the actual dance itself was lame unless you wanted to vigorously grind on your date in the middle of the dance floor, which (call me crazy!) didn't sound appealing to me. It got me thinking why I go to or even want to go to these dances.
Reason One,
It's fun to dress up. Every once in a while its fun to dress up in a pretty dress, put on killer heels, get your makeup done special and go out.
Reason Two,
You get to go out, looking gorgeous, with your friends. When high school comes around you don't have much time to go out to every social event because of schoolwork and other activities. It's nice to have the opportunity to go hang out with our friends.
Reason Three,
Believe it or not, I kinda enjoy planning who's in my group, where we're eating, etc. It's fun to plan an evening that you know your friends will enjoy.
Well that's it for this-....Did you think I was gonna leave you without any photos? Nah, I'm not that mean. :)
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Dinner |
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More Dinner |
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Lily is serving us ice |
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My dad caught me talking |
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All of us. |
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Sam and I ( he isn't my date) |
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Frank and I ( He IS my date) |
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The Ladies: (from the left) Sarah, Carolyn, Hannah and I |
That really is the end of the post for today! Have a good Wednesday and Thursday ! I'll see you Friday for a special Valentine's Day post.
Friday, February 7, 2014
January Favorites 2014
Hello Everyone,
Today is my first ever January Favorites video and I'm super excited to share with you what I've been loving this past month.
Products Mentioned:
Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Relief: http://www.clinique.com/product/1687/5089/Skincare/Moisturizers/Moisture-Surge-Extended-Thirst-Relief/The-drink-skin-needs-to-look-and-feel-happier/index.tmpl
Warm Spirit Special Attention Cream: http://www.warmspirit.com/products-page/uncategorized/special-attention-cream/
NARS Sheer Matte Foundation: http://www.narscosmetics.com/complexion/foundation/~/sheer-matte-foundation
Midi-rings: http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?BR=f21&Category=acc_jewelry-rings&ProductID=1075807306&VariantID=
Leggings: http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/nordstrom-go-to-leggings/3468072?origin=category-personalizedsort&contextualcategoryid=0&fashionColor=&resultback=1463&cm_sp=personalizedsort-_-browseresults-_-1_4_B
Sheep Socks: ( I could not find these specific socks but you can pick up fleece socks at any department store.)
Divergent: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/divergent-veronica-roth/1026903257?ean=9780062024039
Let It Go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moSFlvxnbgk
See Me Now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6aYu8k27lM
Dear No One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njmCUJ94lUM
Zoya: http://www.zoya.com/content/item/Zoya/Zoya-Nail-Polish-Ray-ZP635.html
Thanks for watching my first ever favorites video. I really enjoyed making this video for you. Have a good weekend everyone. I'll see you on Monday for another lovely Media Monday
Today is my first ever January Favorites video and I'm super excited to share with you what I've been loving this past month.
Products Mentioned:
Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Relief: http://www.clinique.com/product/1687/5089/Skincare/Moisturizers/Moisture-Surge-Extended-Thirst-Relief/The-drink-skin-needs-to-look-and-feel-happier/index.tmpl
Warm Spirit Special Attention Cream: http://www.warmspirit.com/products-page/uncategorized/special-attention-cream/
NARS Sheer Matte Foundation: http://www.narscosmetics.com/complexion/foundation/~/sheer-matte-foundation
Midi-rings: http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?BR=f21&Category=acc_jewelry-rings&ProductID=1075807306&VariantID=
Leggings: http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/nordstrom-go-to-leggings/3468072?origin=category-personalizedsort&contextualcategoryid=0&fashionColor=&resultback=1463&cm_sp=personalizedsort-_-browseresults-_-1_4_B
Sheep Socks: ( I could not find these specific socks but you can pick up fleece socks at any department store.)
Divergent: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/divergent-veronica-roth/1026903257?ean=9780062024039
Let It Go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moSFlvxnbgk
See Me Now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6aYu8k27lM
Dear No One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njmCUJ94lUM
Zoya: http://www.zoya.com/content/item/Zoya/Zoya-Nail-Polish-Ray-ZP635.html
Thanks for watching my first ever favorites video. I really enjoyed making this video for you. Have a good weekend everyone. I'll see you on Monday for another lovely Media Monday
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
How To Style: Printed Tinley Road Shorts
Hello Everyone,
Today I have another How To Style for you. I got these shorts about a seven months ago and I love them. Even though it just snowed like 5 inches today I thought this might give you some ideas if you 1) live somewhere where it's currently warm. 2) Give you hope that summer or spring will eventually WILL come.
Today I have another How To Style for you. I got these shorts about a seven months ago and I love them. Even though it just snowed like 5 inches today I thought this might give you some ideas if you 1) live somewhere where it's currently warm. 2) Give you hope that summer or spring will eventually WILL come.
Top-Nordstrom Shorts-Piperlime |
Shoes- Nordstrom Socks-Nordstrom |
Bag- Von Maur (The Saks brand) |
In the outfit above. I chose to a pair a off the shoulder fringe shirt. I thought this was so cute. Then I paired the outfit with my Dr.Martens to give it a edgier feel. I thought the bag and and the shirt gave it a nice boho feel. I thought the boots where a nice contrast.
Sweater/Jumper-Talbots (years ago) |
In this outfit I got some inspiration from Tumblr. I saw a picture of a girl with a sweater and shorts and I had been pondering and pondering how to recreate this look. Then I remeber the winter sweater my mom gave me (it used to be hers.) I thought it was perfect. I pulled out these shorts and the sweater, I loved how it looked. I feel like pattern in the shorts really compliment the picture in the sweater.
Shoes- Nordstrom Jacket- Nordstrom Shirt-Nordstrom |
In this outfit I took a shirt Barbara didn't want an more and I jacket I recently got and put them together. I thought this looked really sharp and its a good look for school in May.
Shirt- Express(years ago) |
In these photos I used a shirt my oldest sister gave to me from express. She has had this for years. I think the maroon color of this shirt is a nice accent color to the black and white shorts. I paired it also with that two toned black and white baseball jacket.
Shirt-Nordstrom |
I put this shirt with this shorts. Just to show how this would look with a similar color shirt. It's not the best look but it works. The jacket is makes it work a bit better. I would suggest if you're going to wear a shirt that is gray with this wear some color or something like this jacket that is two toned.
I hope you enjoyed this How To Style post. I really enjoyed putting this post together. I'll see you on Friday for my first ever January Favorites video! I'm super excited about it and I think you'll enjoy it.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Media Monday #20
Hello Everyone,
Today I have a few things to review for you. Let's Kick it off with Music,
The 1975
I discovered this band when I heard their song "Chocolate" on the radio. I really enjoyed their sound. It's really unique. I immediately got their Pandora Station and I've been hooked ever since.
New Politics
My friends keep talking about this band in school. It wasn't until I needed new music to listen to that I finally looked them up. I loved their music. Their sound is kind of 1990's or early 2000's sounding. It's a nice throwback.
Replay- Zendaya
I first heard this song in the car and I was completely put off from it. Zendaya is the artist of this song and I don't like Zendaya too much so I wasn't really compelled to listen. After really hearing the song, I am in love with this song. It's so catchy and very edgy. Props to Zendaya to making something that doesn't sound so typical Disney star debut album and more like something from a break away Disney star that has been in the music business a while.
Now on to movies...
That Awkward Moment
On Saturday, I saw this movie. It wasn't anything spectacular. But it was a cute movie. It had a nice balance of funny and heartfelt. Zac Efron looks as hot as ever and the girl who plays his love interest is gorgeous. It was just a nice movie to sit down and relax.
I've seen this movie before, but I recently rediscovered it. I was really wanting to watch this cheesy comedy chick flick and my friend Patrick gave me a copy of the movie and I haven't stopped watching it. It's very funny and has the same sit down and stop thinking kind of feel as That Awkward Moment.
That's it for this Monday. I'll see you on Wednesday for another How To Style post. Have a good Tuesday.
Today I have a few things to review for you. Let's Kick it off with Music,
The 1975
I discovered this band when I heard their song "Chocolate" on the radio. I really enjoyed their sound. It's really unique. I immediately got their Pandora Station and I've been hooked ever since.
New Politics
My friends keep talking about this band in school. It wasn't until I needed new music to listen to that I finally looked them up. I loved their music. Their sound is kind of 1990's or early 2000's sounding. It's a nice throwback.
Replay- Zendaya
I first heard this song in the car and I was completely put off from it. Zendaya is the artist of this song and I don't like Zendaya too much so I wasn't really compelled to listen. After really hearing the song, I am in love with this song. It's so catchy and very edgy. Props to Zendaya to making something that doesn't sound so typical Disney star debut album and more like something from a break away Disney star that has been in the music business a while.
Now on to movies...
That Awkward Moment
On Saturday, I saw this movie. It wasn't anything spectacular. But it was a cute movie. It had a nice balance of funny and heartfelt. Zac Efron looks as hot as ever and the girl who plays his love interest is gorgeous. It was just a nice movie to sit down and relax.
I've seen this movie before, but I recently rediscovered it. I was really wanting to watch this cheesy comedy chick flick and my friend Patrick gave me a copy of the movie and I haven't stopped watching it. It's very funny and has the same sit down and stop thinking kind of feel as That Awkward Moment.
That's it for this Monday. I'll see you on Wednesday for another How To Style post. Have a good Tuesday.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Media Monday #19
Hello Everyone,
Today is Monday! I promised a Media Monday for today and that's what your going to get.
Last night was the Grammy's. I wish I could say that everyone who performed did an amazing job and all the awards where given out to the right people but I can't. Lorde's performance was the first one I saw of the night as I was editing a video for Friday. Lorde's voice is nice but her stage presences is a little weird, I just didn't enjoy her performance at all. Her choice of clothing was also a bit strange but her lipstick game was strong so props to her for that. Beyonce and Jayz slayed at the Grammy's. Their performance was the highlight of the entire night. P!nk was second best for her acrobatic performance of Try. Everyone else did okay but I didn't particularly like their performances. Didn't see many awards so I don't think it would be good for me to comment on the awards as I didn't see them.
Thanks for reading my short blog post on the Grammy's.
Today is Monday! I promised a Media Monday for today and that's what your going to get.
Last night was the Grammy's. I wish I could say that everyone who performed did an amazing job and all the awards where given out to the right people but I can't. Lorde's performance was the first one I saw of the night as I was editing a video for Friday. Lorde's voice is nice but her stage presences is a little weird, I just didn't enjoy her performance at all. Her choice of clothing was also a bit strange but her lipstick game was strong so props to her for that. Beyonce and Jayz slayed at the Grammy's. Their performance was the highlight of the entire night. P!nk was second best for her acrobatic performance of Try. Everyone else did okay but I didn't particularly like their performances. Didn't see many awards so I don't think it would be good for me to comment on the awards as I didn't see them.
Thanks for reading my short blog post on the Grammy's.
How To Style: Print Shirt and Faux Leather Jacket
Hello Everyone,
Today I have a How To Style for you. I was going through my closet and I picked two pieces to show you. One is a printed top and the other is a faux leather jacket. I know sometimes these items can be intimidating to try and pair things with them. (Everything I'm wearing in these photos I purchased at Nordstrom)
Today I have a How To Style for you. I was going through my closet and I picked two pieces to show you. One is a printed top and the other is a faux leather jacket. I know sometimes these items can be intimidating to try and pair things with them. (Everything I'm wearing in these photos I purchased at Nordstrom)
I started out really simple. Pairing the shirt with white jeans and the faux leather jacket. I put the necklace with it to draw more attention to the shirt and the neckline.
Next, I paired the shirt with a printed pant. I know this can be very intimidating. I have a hard time with this too. Notice how the pants have a more spread out print verses the busier looking shirt. The rules to wearing print on print is make sure one print is neutral based and has a nice spread out pattern. This will make it easier to pair it with another print. I also put a bright peachy pink scarf with this to bring out the colors in the shirt in which I think it does nicely. This outfit would be good for school, a concert really anywhere.
Next I paired the shirt with a aqua pair of pants and the same faux jacket. These pants have a zipper on the side by my calf. I rolled up the sleeves of the jacket to make it a bit different. I used this photo mainly to show this shirt can go with something other than just neutral colors. This would be good for a nice spring evening out.
I paired the shirt with a high waisted black skirt and some red pumps. I prefer the shirt tucked into the skirt rather than hanging out but each to his own. I really like the pop of color the red shoes give with this outfit. I think they fit nicely, but you can always do a nude shoes or even some bedazzled shoes. This outfit would be good for a formal dinner date or even a business dinner. You could easily pair a sweater, the faux leather jacket, or even a blazer with this outfit. Dress it up or down. You could also pair flats with this to make it good for school.
That's all I have for this Monday. Later I'll be posting a Grammy's themed Media Monday. Come back later for that! I'll see you on Wednesday for Beauty Products to Keep in Your Locker. Have a good Monday!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
My Everyday MakeUp Tutorial
Hello Everyone,
Today I have a video for you. This was a highly requested video, it's My Everyday Makeup Tutorial. I'm gonna show you how I do my makeup, whenever I wear it. Enjoy the video!P.S I had a mirror right in below my camera so I could see what I was doing as I do not have a fancy dancy camera with a flippy screen.
I'll see you on Friday with another video! Have a good Wednesday!
Today I have a video for you. This was a highly requested video, it's My Everyday Makeup Tutorial. I'm gonna show you how I do my makeup, whenever I wear it. Enjoy the video!P.S I had a mirror right in below my camera so I could see what I was doing as I do not have a fancy dancy camera with a flippy screen.
I'll see you on Friday with another video! Have a good Wednesday!
Monday, January 20, 2014
YouTubers I've Been Loving
Hello Everyone,
Today instead of a Media Monday I thought I might do something different. We've had a lot of time off school recently because of snow days and holidays, which means hours upon hours on YouTube. I thought I'd share with you some of my favorite YouTubers at the moment.
Troye Sivan
I recently rediscovered Troye's videos and I couldn't stop laughing at almost every video! He is hilarious. He's from Mirrabooka,Australia. He's 18 turning 19 in June. He's really funny and you should go check him out
I just discovered this girl yesterday! Her personality is fabulous! She's upbeat and fun! Obviously her name is Hannah M. She's gorgeous. I discovered her from a comment on my Best Friend Tag video. She was really sweet in her comment and it comes across in her videos. Check her out!
Today instead of a Media Monday I thought I might do something different. We've had a lot of time off school recently because of snow days and holidays, which means hours upon hours on YouTube. I thought I'd share with you some of my favorite YouTubers at the moment.
Troye Sivan
I recently rediscovered Troye's videos and I couldn't stop laughing at almost every video! He is hilarious. He's from Mirrabooka,Australia. He's 18 turning 19 in June. He's really funny and you should go check him out
I just discovered this girl yesterday! Her personality is fabulous! She's upbeat and fun! Obviously her name is Hannah M. She's gorgeous. I discovered her from a comment on my Best Friend Tag video. She was really sweet in her comment and it comes across in her videos. Check her out!
Jack is a Youtuber I recently rediscovered. I love his videos and he's just so sassy. I believe he's 18 or so! He lives in Connecticut I think! He's very funny!
That's all I have for you today! I enjoyed writing this...I hope it was refreshing for you rather then the regular Media Monday! See you on Wednesday for My Everyday Makeup Tutorial.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Best Friend Tag
This week's video is one I really enjoyed doing. I went to my friend's house and we filmed the Best Friend Tag! We really enjoyed filming this for you and I hope you enjoy the video!
Have a good weekend and I'll see you on Monday!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
How to Get Organized
Hello Everyone,
It's a new year, which means if you're like me, you want to begin the new year organized, a clean start. The other day I cleaned out and moved my desk, put my calendar up and started fresh. I have a few steps to help you get organized and stay that way.
1) Get a Planner. Whether it's just a to-do list on paper or a planner that you go out and buy from Staples. I personally use my planners a lot. I use a to-do list for school. My monthly planner for my blog and my calendar on my wall for both.
2) Have a Workspace to YOURSELF. This is key, if you have a space that is your own to go and work at then you probably will be more productive. Whether it's your kitchen table, a desk in your room, your bed.
3)A Place to Keep Everything You Need. This can be a folder if you deal with only papers, a laptop for all electronic needs, a bag, a drawer, etc. Keep everything you need in one area. If you're in school, then you know how important this is. If you have multiple items to keep track of ( like courses in school, or papers and a laptop) have multiple ways to keep track of them.
4) Decorate Your Space. If your workspace doesn't reflect and compliment your personality then you aren't going to want to use your workspace. Go to Pier 1, Staples, Joann's and get creative. Make your workspace reflect you. ( Unless you don't live with your parents please don't go doing this without asking, especially if your workspace is the kitchen table)
5) Organizational Tools. If you think bins would help you stay organized, then go get bins. If you want to paint mason jars and use them as a pencil container, then do so. I always want to change up how I organize my things which usually means I want different types of organizational systems each time.
That's all the tips I have for you today. Have a good Wednesday. I'll see you on Friday for the Best Friend Tag!
It's a new year, which means if you're like me, you want to begin the new year organized, a clean start. The other day I cleaned out and moved my desk, put my calendar up and started fresh. I have a few steps to help you get organized and stay that way.
1) Get a Planner. Whether it's just a to-do list on paper or a planner that you go out and buy from Staples. I personally use my planners a lot. I use a to-do list for school. My monthly planner for my blog and my calendar on my wall for both.
2) Have a Workspace to YOURSELF. This is key, if you have a space that is your own to go and work at then you probably will be more productive. Whether it's your kitchen table, a desk in your room, your bed.
3)A Place to Keep Everything You Need. This can be a folder if you deal with only papers, a laptop for all electronic needs, a bag, a drawer, etc. Keep everything you need in one area. If you're in school, then you know how important this is. If you have multiple items to keep track of ( like courses in school, or papers and a laptop) have multiple ways to keep track of them.
4) Decorate Your Space. If your workspace doesn't reflect and compliment your personality then you aren't going to want to use your workspace. Go to Pier 1, Staples, Joann's and get creative. Make your workspace reflect you. ( Unless you don't live with your parents please don't go doing this without asking, especially if your workspace is the kitchen table)
5) Organizational Tools. If you think bins would help you stay organized, then go get bins. If you want to paint mason jars and use them as a pencil container, then do so. I always want to change up how I organize my things which usually means I want different types of organizational systems each time.
That's all the tips I have for you today. Have a good Wednesday. I'll see you on Friday for the Best Friend Tag!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Media Monday #18
Hello Everyone,
It's that time of the week where I review different things for your enjoyment.
Frozen Soundtrack
I've been really loving this soundtrack. All the songs are really catchy. Let It Go is my favorite off of the soundtrack. The people I've talked to, they prefer the Idina Menzel version over the Demi Lovato version. It's nothing against Demi. I love Demi. Just Idina's voice is richer, more pleasing to the ear, and just more suited for the song. I would highly recommend you listen to the soundtrack and Let It Go
All Alone by Fun
This song was introduced to the me by my friend Julz {Hi Julz :)} during our off block on Friday. I fell in love with this song. It sound very different from anything else Fun has done.
Disney Station on Pandora
I've been listening to this station a lot recently. I love it. It basically relives your childhood through songs. They have songs from all the Disney movie including Monster Inc, Toy Story, Tangled,etc. Go get the Pandora app ( IT'S FREE, YOU HAVE NO EXCUSES) and take a listen.
That's all I have to review this week. I'll see you on Wednesday for a post on my tips to help you stay organized. Have a good Monday!
It's that time of the week where I review different things for your enjoyment.
Frozen Soundtrack
I've been really loving this soundtrack. All the songs are really catchy. Let It Go is my favorite off of the soundtrack. The people I've talked to, they prefer the Idina Menzel version over the Demi Lovato version. It's nothing against Demi. I love Demi. Just Idina's voice is richer, more pleasing to the ear, and just more suited for the song. I would highly recommend you listen to the soundtrack and Let It Go
All Alone by Fun
This song was introduced to the me by my friend Julz {Hi Julz :)} during our off block on Friday. I fell in love with this song. It sound very different from anything else Fun has done.
Disney Station on Pandora
I've been listening to this station a lot recently. I love it. It basically relives your childhood through songs. They have songs from all the Disney movie including Monster Inc, Toy Story, Tangled,etc. Go get the Pandora app ( IT'S FREE, YOU HAVE NO EXCUSES) and take a listen.
That's all I have to review this week. I'll see you on Wednesday for a post on my tips to help you stay organized. Have a good Monday!
Friday, January 10, 2014
What I got for Christmas and Shopping Haul
Hello Everyone,
Today is Friday which means a video! It's a haul video. I know it's really long. Like a half an hour long, so if you only want to see one part I have marked the start and the end with title pages. Christmas Haul is in the beginning and Shopping Haul is the end. I didn't know it was going to be half an hour long when I started and I'm sorry. I probably should have made these into two videos but at the time I planned it I didn't have very many shopping items to show you and at the time this just made sense. I'm sure if I just stuck to telling you the product, why i got it and how much I love every single freaking item this would be a much shorter video, but LET IT GOOOOOOO ( Frozen reference, LOVE that song)
Have a good weekend! See you on Monday
Today is Friday which means a video! It's a haul video. I know it's really long. Like a half an hour long, so if you only want to see one part I have marked the start and the end with title pages. Christmas Haul is in the beginning and Shopping Haul is the end. I didn't know it was going to be half an hour long when I started and I'm sorry. I probably should have made these into two videos but at the time I planned it I didn't have very many shopping items to show you and at the time this just made sense. I'm sure if I just stuck to telling you the product, why i got it and how much I love every single freaking item this would be a much shorter video, but LET IT GOOOOOOO ( Frozen reference, LOVE that song)
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
DIY: Craft Christmas Tree
Hello Everyone,
I know this video is a little late in the season as it not Christmas anymore. You may just want to do this because you like making things. I loved making this even after the holidays. You can customize this for anytime of the year. By using pastel colored gems or bows, or whatever the season calls for.
I hope you enjoy the video!
Have a great Wednesday and I'll see you Friday with my Shopping/Christmas Haul
I know this video is a little late in the season as it not Christmas anymore. You may just want to do this because you like making things. I loved making this even after the holidays. You can customize this for anytime of the year. By using pastel colored gems or bows, or whatever the season calls for.
I hope you enjoy the video!
Have a great Wednesday and I'll see you Friday with my Shopping/Christmas Haul
Monday, January 6, 2014
Media Monday #17
Hello Everyone,
It's Monday! I have only a few things to review for you today so let's a get a move on..shall we?
Over Christmas Break I saw several movies! I spent several a day at the movie theater seeing movie after movie.
Saving Mr.Banks
This movie was absolutely fabulous and I really enjoyed seeing this. It pulls at your heart strings so bring tissues. The movie goes back and forth between when P.L Travers was a young girl in Australia and now when they are making the movie about Mary Poppins. I would not recommend this for kids under the age of 12 because there are some tough subjects in the movie. I would recommend this for anyone(obviously over the age of 12 as I previously stated)
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
I really enjoyed this movie. I felt it should have been a bit longer. The cinematic effects and the locations that they filmed were gorgeous. The ending of the movie is sweet and kind of sentimental. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a good relaxing movie.
Anchorman 2
I original saw this movie to get out of the house. I really didn't want to go to this movie. About a half way through the movie I wanted to leave. This movie was absolutely awful. There was not ONE THING in this movie that I found funny. After that movie was over the only thing we were laughing about it the fact that it was so bad and that we just waste 2 hours of our lives on this movie. A majority of this movie was just so uncomfortable to watch. I would never ever wish my worst enemy to see this movie. I would not recommend this to anyone! It was just awful.
The Wolf of Wall Street
I went into this movie liking the idea of what this movie was saying. I didn't really enjoy what the movie actually showed you. I summarized this as start from the bottom now I'm a millionaire. There was a very good reason this movie was rated R. The amount of naked women, drugs and cursing that are in this movie was at an unexplainable high number. There was at least 10 scenes of naked women, drugs and cursing for every 1 scene of information. I wouldn't recommend anyone to sit through 3 hours of that.
Grudge Match
This movie was actually very delightful. The jokes were funny. Sylvester Stallone and Robert DeNiro were really good in this. Kevin Hart and Alan Arkin really added to the funny parts. I would recommend this to everyone. It was really a feel good movie.
That's all I have to review for you today! Have a great Monday and see you on Wednesday! :)
It's Monday! I have only a few things to review for you today so let's a get a move on..shall we?
Over Christmas Break I saw several movies! I spent several a day at the movie theater seeing movie after movie.
Saving Mr.Banks
This movie was absolutely fabulous and I really enjoyed seeing this. It pulls at your heart strings so bring tissues. The movie goes back and forth between when P.L Travers was a young girl in Australia and now when they are making the movie about Mary Poppins. I would not recommend this for kids under the age of 12 because there are some tough subjects in the movie. I would recommend this for anyone(obviously over the age of 12 as I previously stated)
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
I really enjoyed this movie. I felt it should have been a bit longer. The cinematic effects and the locations that they filmed were gorgeous. The ending of the movie is sweet and kind of sentimental. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a good relaxing movie.
Anchorman 2
I original saw this movie to get out of the house. I really didn't want to go to this movie. About a half way through the movie I wanted to leave. This movie was absolutely awful. There was not ONE THING in this movie that I found funny. After that movie was over the only thing we were laughing about it the fact that it was so bad and that we just waste 2 hours of our lives on this movie. A majority of this movie was just so uncomfortable to watch. I would never ever wish my worst enemy to see this movie. I would not recommend this to anyone! It was just awful.
The Wolf of Wall Street
I went into this movie liking the idea of what this movie was saying. I didn't really enjoy what the movie actually showed you. I summarized this as start from the bottom now I'm a millionaire. There was a very good reason this movie was rated R. The amount of naked women, drugs and cursing that are in this movie was at an unexplainable high number. There was at least 10 scenes of naked women, drugs and cursing for every 1 scene of information. I wouldn't recommend anyone to sit through 3 hours of that.
Grudge Match
This movie was actually very delightful. The jokes were funny. Sylvester Stallone and Robert DeNiro were really good in this. Kevin Hart and Alan Arkin really added to the funny parts. I would recommend this to everyone. It was really a feel good movie.
That's all I have to review for you today! Have a great Monday and see you on Wednesday! :)
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