Hello Everyone,
Today is the last Media Monday of the year 2013. Which means next time you see one of these it will be 2014! That's crazy. This year went by so fast. Many amazing things I got to do this year. I traveled to Europe,befriended some amazing people, and had my crazy family move in with us. ( HI ELIZABETH) The trips, friends, and family wouldn't be complete without music, movies, and amazing books. This Media Monday is going to be my top ten music of 2013, top ten movies of 2013 and top ten books that I've read in 2013.
Top Ten Music Albums of 2013
10) Miley Cyrus -Bangerz
9) Panic! at The Disco - Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die
8) Sara Bareilles - The Blessed Unrest
7) New Kids on The Block -10
6) Bastille- Bad Blood
5) Michael Buble- To Be Loved
4) One Republic - Native
3) The 20/20 Experience( Parts 1 and 2) -Justin Timberlake
2) One Direction- Midnight Memories
1) Beyonce- Beyonce
Top Ten Movies of 2013
10) Beautiful Creatures
9) Enough Said
8) Red 2
7) Iron Man 3
6) Frozen
5) Pacific Rim
4) Monsters University
3) About Time
2) 42
1) Catching Fire
Top Ten Books That I've Read in 2013
10) Being - Kevin Brooks
9) Lucas - Kevin Brooks
8) Papertowns - John Green
7) Autobiography of a Face- Lucy Grealy
6) Divergent - Veronica Roth
5) The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls
4) Looking For Alaska - John Green
3) Insurgent (Divergent #2) - Veronica Roth
2) The Fault In Our Stars -John Green
1) Allegiant(Divergent #3)- Veronica Roth
Thanks for reading my top ten lists. I'll see you next year with a haul from shopping and a my 2014 new years resolutions
Happy New Year!
Monday, December 30, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Media Monday #15
Hello Everyone,
Today is the Monday before Christmas and sadly this is not a Christmas theme Media Monday but I have a lot great stuff to share with you. I'll start off with movies.
This past week I went and saw American Hustle starring Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, Christian Bale, Jennifer Lawrence. I had a hard time following the plot line of this movie but when I could understand what was going on it was a very good movie. All the actors did an amazing job in their roles. Jennifer Lawrence is definitely not Katniss in this movie. I would suggest seeing it at least twice to completely understand what was going on.
Next is gonna be a book series that many people know about and I just read all three books within 6 days! I loved them, the series is called Divergent by Veronica Roth. I'm sure many of you have heard of these books or maybe have even read them. I loved the story of Tris and Tobias and all their friends throughout all the books. For those of you who don't know the story, the future citizens of Chicago live in a society that is divided into five factions, each one meant to uphold a particular virtue of humanity: Abnegation, meant to uphold selflessness; Amity, meant for the peaceful; Candor, meant for the honest; Dauntless, meant for the brave; and Erudite, intended for the knowledgeable. On a given day each year, all sixteen-year-olds take an aptitude test that will tell them for which faction they are best suited. After receiving the results of their test, they must decide whether to remain with their family or transfer to a new faction. Sixteen-year-old Beatrice Prior was born into an Abnegation family, but selflessness has never come naturally to her like it does her brother, Caleb. She feels lonely and constricted by her environment and feels like she does not belong. When the time comes for Beatrice to take her aptitude test, the results are inconclusive: instead of fitting neatly into any one faction, she shows equal aptitude for three: Abnegation, Erudite, and Dauntless. This makes her "Divergent" and she is warned never to share this information with anyone for fear of her life. Even for a Divergent, it is very rare to have results with three factions. On her way home from the aptitude test, she encounters a factionless man who grabs her hand and frightens her. This makes her feel very nervous because she does not want to end up like him and is wary about risking her normal lifestyle and failing. She does not want to upset her father, who is certain that she will remain in Abnegation even though she is skeptical. On Choosing Day, much to her and her parent's surprise, Beatrice makes the decision to leave Abnegation and join Dauntless, while her brother Caleb chooses Erudite. She immediately leaves to join her new faction and her new home. Beatrice, who renames herself Tris when she reaches the Dauntless compound, becomes good friends with fellow transfer initiates Christina, Al, and Will. Another transfer initiate, Peter, quickly sets out to antagonize her as he does not believe Tris is good enough to be in Dauntless. Peter also has two friends, Andrew and Molly, who back him up as he tortures Tris. She is also introduced to their instructor, Four, who explains that they must pass an initiation process before they are accepted as full-fledged Dauntless members. They must rank in the top ten at the end of initiation, or else they will be dismissed and become factionless. (wikipedia) I'm sorry I got the description from Wikipedia. I just couldn't figure out a good way to explain it. I loved this book series. I HIGHLY recommend this series to anyone.
I believe that is it for this Media Monday. I got music but it isn't new or I've already talked about it. I hope you enjoyed this! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas! I'll be posting a Christmas Haul on the 26th or so. Be checking back for that!
Merry Christmas,
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Blogmas Day 1
Hello Everyone,
It's the beginning of blogmas! I'm uber excited to share with you the spirit of Christmas and give you plenty of ideas for your Christmas. I have 12 days of super exciting videos and blog posts coming your way! Today is we have a festive room tour! I had a lot of fun filming this and I learned how to use the voice over portion of my editing program! Everyday from today until christmas day I will have a blog post up! I hope you come see what I have for you each day! It should be a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy my room tour and come again to see what I have for you later tonight!
It's the beginning of blogmas! I'm uber excited to share with you the spirit of Christmas and give you plenty of ideas for your Christmas. I have 12 days of super exciting videos and blog posts coming your way! Today is we have a festive room tour! I had a lot of fun filming this and I learned how to use the voice over portion of my editing program! Everyday from today until christmas day I will have a blog post up! I hope you come see what I have for you each day! It should be a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy my room tour and come again to see what I have for you later tonight!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Media Monday on a Tuesday #14
Hello Everyone,
How have you been? I've been pretty good. Yesterday was my birthday! Sweet sixteen! woohoo I guess? I used to make a big deal out of my birthday but this year I kinda just wanted to be left alone. Well I'll make a haul video on that after Christmas probably because its TWO WEEKS TIL CHRISTMAS,and well the more gifts the better. Anyway it's Monday and you know what that means (if you got that reference I love you) Media Monday this week I have a boatload of stuff for you so go get some hot cocoa or tea. Did you do it?... good. Now get comfortable... go put on your fuzzy pajamas or onesie. Done?....good. Get comfortable in your chair, couch, bed, etc. Good?...okay.
First off let's start with movies I've seen since I last did one of these.
About Time
I saw this movie and loved it. It's a total chick flick and you will cry but the storyline is so neat. This boy when he is 21 finds out that he can travel back in time and he uses that power to get a girl. It's a really cute love story that will blow your mind. The writing for this film is so good just the right amount of humor and wit to keep you interested. The cinematography was incredible. Everything about this movie is amazing. I highly recommend seeing this movie.
I have been so excited for this movie since I first saw an ad in August. When I went to see this movie it met and went beyond my expectations. It's so cute and Olaf is the cutest thing in the freaking world. The story is great and the animation is spectacular. I highly recommend this movie too.
Catching Fire
I almost forgot about to add this one in. I saw this movie at 8pm the night it came out and LOVED IT. They aged Peeta and Katniss well. I was crying for a good 90% of this movie.I always really liked this book better because it got deep into the politics behind the hunger games and the revolutions that are caused by the 74th hunger games. This movie was amazing. Ten times better than the first. The director really made sure the movie was closer to the book than the last one. I saw this movie twice within 24 hours. It's that good. I HIGHLY recommend this movie.
Next is going to be music that I've been loving.
Midnight Memories By One Direction
This album came out almost 2 weeks ago and I can't stop listening to it. I already know all the words to all the songs. This album is so much better from the last ones. Their voices have gotten stronger and deeper. This album gives of the vibe of hard rocker's life and sex. I'm pretty sure almost every song can be taken in a sexual way. Which I'm sure alot of the fans will love because the One Direction fandom is crazy. I really like the growth of this album compared to the last one. I really like that they had a hand in writing almost every song on the album which is really good most artists barely get creative input let alone write the songs. Even if you hate one direction or whatever your reason is check out this album theirs something on this album for everyone's musical taste.
See Me Now- Little Mix
This is a song off of the deluxe version of their upcoming album Salute that is not yet out in the States. I fell in love with the harmonies, the rhythm, and the message of this song. The message of the song is basically don't let the past haters get you down because look where you are now. I think that's a message millions of young girls need in their life, we get so caught up in what happened in the past that we don't see how amazing our present and future is now. The song has an African safari vibe to it that's really amazing and really makes you want to move. I would definitely you listen to this song.
Concerts are something we all love and enjoy. Guess what? I went to one a few weeks ago.
The Justin Timberlake 20/20 Experience Concert
Where to start with this concert! it was amazing! Even though I didn't know as many songs as I thought I did I still had fun. We had really good seats. Going to concerts I always love knowing that all the people walking into the arena share the same passion of music or the artist as you do. When I go to concerts, being a dancer, I tend to spend equal time watching the back up dancers as the performer themselves. Let me tell you, if being a JT backup dancer was a job I would take it. Those people did an amazing job. You know walking into a JT concert that the dancing is bound to be amazing but this was above and beyond my expectations. It was incredible. I had 2 friends who had fourth row seats and one friend who had front row seats. JT actually interacted with my one friend who was dancing on top of her seat and he made an okay sign. It was an incredible concert from an incredible performer.
Books can inspire you, make you cry and make you laugh. I recently read two books that make you do all three.
Looking For Alaska By John Green
I finished reading this book Sunday night. I cried so hard but I laughed so much as well. The book is about this kid named Miles who goes off to a boarding school believing in something called the Great Perhaps.The Great Perhaps is was Francois Rabelais last words before he died. Miles wanted to go to seek his Great Perhaps. When he gets to the boarding school Miles, now renamed to Pudge, meets four people named Chip, he was given the nickname the Colonel, a girl named Alaska, a boy named Takumi and a Romanian exchange student named Lara. The book is all about the adventures these 5 go on. The middle of the book something happens leading to the most awesome prank ever. John Green is an author that creates magic with the words he puts on the pages of his books. I wonder if John Green realizes how much he changes people lives with words on a page.
Papertowns By John Green
I read Papertowns a few weeks ago and I loved it. The idea of the popular girl next store taking this kid who has always loved her from a far, makes him take her on the best adventure of his life then just disappears the next day. Then its up to him to figure out where she went. I loved the idea of this book and several of my friends recommended that I read this book. I was glad I read the book. I really enjoyed the mystery aspect and the interactions between the main character's friends are too funny. The ending was a bit of a let down. I was fine with the ending I was just expecting a little more from John Green. If you're looking for a nice not too involved read then this is the book for you.
I believe that is it for this Media Monday! I know it's on a Tuesday but there was just so much I needed to cover I didn't get it done on Monday. On Wednesday the meeting Sam Edelman post will be up. I know that for sure because right after I'm done with this post I'm writing that one. I'm going to try something new for this Christmas. I'm going to be doing 12 Days Of Christmas blog posts. 12 consecutive days of blog posts. Ranging from how to decorate your room to the perfect Christmas outfit. the 12 days of Christmas will start on Friday the 13th and go til Christmas day. If you're worried I won't do all 12 days believe I'm scared too. This is going to push my organizational skills and my time budgeting skills to almost my very limit. I am determined to make it though. I hope you enjoyed this blogpost. I'll see you tomorrow for my Meeting Sam Edelman post.
Where to find me?
Wanna know things first? Follow me on Twitter: @brittjanie1
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Instagram: brittney_sutherin15
Tumblr: www.pippipadoodleydoo.tumblr.com
How have you been? I've been pretty good. Yesterday was my birthday! Sweet sixteen! woohoo I guess? I used to make a big deal out of my birthday but this year I kinda just wanted to be left alone. Well I'll make a haul video on that after Christmas probably because its TWO WEEKS TIL CHRISTMAS,and well the more gifts the better. Anyway it's Monday and you know what that means (if you got that reference I love you) Media Monday this week I have a boatload of stuff for you so go get some hot cocoa or tea. Did you do it?... good. Now get comfortable... go put on your fuzzy pajamas or onesie. Done?....good. Get comfortable in your chair, couch, bed, etc. Good?...okay.
First off let's start with movies I've seen since I last did one of these.
About Time
I saw this movie and loved it. It's a total chick flick and you will cry but the storyline is so neat. This boy when he is 21 finds out that he can travel back in time and he uses that power to get a girl. It's a really cute love story that will blow your mind. The writing for this film is so good just the right amount of humor and wit to keep you interested. The cinematography was incredible. Everything about this movie is amazing. I highly recommend seeing this movie.
I have been so excited for this movie since I first saw an ad in August. When I went to see this movie it met and went beyond my expectations. It's so cute and Olaf is the cutest thing in the freaking world. The story is great and the animation is spectacular. I highly recommend this movie too.
Catching Fire
I almost forgot about to add this one in. I saw this movie at 8pm the night it came out and LOVED IT. They aged Peeta and Katniss well. I was crying for a good 90% of this movie.I always really liked this book better because it got deep into the politics behind the hunger games and the revolutions that are caused by the 74th hunger games. This movie was amazing. Ten times better than the first. The director really made sure the movie was closer to the book than the last one. I saw this movie twice within 24 hours. It's that good. I HIGHLY recommend this movie.
Next is going to be music that I've been loving.
Midnight Memories By One Direction
This album came out almost 2 weeks ago and I can't stop listening to it. I already know all the words to all the songs. This album is so much better from the last ones. Their voices have gotten stronger and deeper. This album gives of the vibe of hard rocker's life and sex. I'm pretty sure almost every song can be taken in a sexual way. Which I'm sure alot of the fans will love because the One Direction fandom is crazy. I really like the growth of this album compared to the last one. I really like that they had a hand in writing almost every song on the album which is really good most artists barely get creative input let alone write the songs. Even if you hate one direction or whatever your reason is check out this album theirs something on this album for everyone's musical taste.
See Me Now- Little Mix
This is a song off of the deluxe version of their upcoming album Salute that is not yet out in the States. I fell in love with the harmonies, the rhythm, and the message of this song. The message of the song is basically don't let the past haters get you down because look where you are now. I think that's a message millions of young girls need in their life, we get so caught up in what happened in the past that we don't see how amazing our present and future is now. The song has an African safari vibe to it that's really amazing and really makes you want to move. I would definitely you listen to this song.
Concerts are something we all love and enjoy. Guess what? I went to one a few weeks ago.
The Justin Timberlake 20/20 Experience Concert
Where to start with this concert! it was amazing! Even though I didn't know as many songs as I thought I did I still had fun. We had really good seats. Going to concerts I always love knowing that all the people walking into the arena share the same passion of music or the artist as you do. When I go to concerts, being a dancer, I tend to spend equal time watching the back up dancers as the performer themselves. Let me tell you, if being a JT backup dancer was a job I would take it. Those people did an amazing job. You know walking into a JT concert that the dancing is bound to be amazing but this was above and beyond my expectations. It was incredible. I had 2 friends who had fourth row seats and one friend who had front row seats. JT actually interacted with my one friend who was dancing on top of her seat and he made an okay sign. It was an incredible concert from an incredible performer.
Books can inspire you, make you cry and make you laugh. I recently read two books that make you do all three.
Looking For Alaska By John Green
I finished reading this book Sunday night. I cried so hard but I laughed so much as well. The book is about this kid named Miles who goes off to a boarding school believing in something called the Great Perhaps.The Great Perhaps is was Francois Rabelais last words before he died. Miles wanted to go to seek his Great Perhaps. When he gets to the boarding school Miles, now renamed to Pudge, meets four people named Chip, he was given the nickname the Colonel, a girl named Alaska, a boy named Takumi and a Romanian exchange student named Lara. The book is all about the adventures these 5 go on. The middle of the book something happens leading to the most awesome prank ever. John Green is an author that creates magic with the words he puts on the pages of his books. I wonder if John Green realizes how much he changes people lives with words on a page.
Papertowns By John Green
I read Papertowns a few weeks ago and I loved it. The idea of the popular girl next store taking this kid who has always loved her from a far, makes him take her on the best adventure of his life then just disappears the next day. Then its up to him to figure out where she went. I loved the idea of this book and several of my friends recommended that I read this book. I was glad I read the book. I really enjoyed the mystery aspect and the interactions between the main character's friends are too funny. The ending was a bit of a let down. I was fine with the ending I was just expecting a little more from John Green. If you're looking for a nice not too involved read then this is the book for you.
I believe that is it for this Media Monday! I know it's on a Tuesday but there was just so much I needed to cover I didn't get it done on Monday. On Wednesday the meeting Sam Edelman post will be up. I know that for sure because right after I'm done with this post I'm writing that one. I'm going to try something new for this Christmas. I'm going to be doing 12 Days Of Christmas blog posts. 12 consecutive days of blog posts. Ranging from how to decorate your room to the perfect Christmas outfit. the 12 days of Christmas will start on Friday the 13th and go til Christmas day. If you're worried I won't do all 12 days believe I'm scared too. This is going to push my organizational skills and my time budgeting skills to almost my very limit. I am determined to make it though. I hope you enjoyed this blogpost. I'll see you tomorrow for my Meeting Sam Edelman post.
Where to find me?
Wanna know things first? Follow me on Twitter: @brittjanie1
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Instagram: brittney_sutherin15
Tumblr: www.pippipadoodleydoo.tumblr.com
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Hello Everyone,
First off I want to apologize for not posting as frequently in the past few weeks as in the past. I've been very busy with school work and driving lessons. I promise next monday is going to be a HUGE media monday and I have a few posts coming up this weekend. Over Black Friday we shopped online at Nordstrom and I got NARS products and thought you'd like to see the pretty makeup I bought.
First thing I bought was makeup remover because I was out. I got the Makeup Remover Water. It looked better for your skin and seemed to remove makeup fairly easier than the rest. One thing I've noticed just from buying this small collection of NARS items is that all their packaging is practical, functional and beautiful. I loved this packaging as soon as I saw it.
Next thing I bought was Sheer Matte foundation. I heard so many amazing things about this foundation and I was determined to try it for myself. It has a really nice texture and has amazing coverage. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep the color I have as it might be too light or too pink.
The next two things I bought go hand in hand, well eye in eye. I bought two eyeliners one liquid and one just a regular eye pencil I think these are my favorite purchase. I fell in love with the liquid liner as soon as I saw it looked like a marker. Although the fact it looks like a marker might not be good when the little kids in my house go through my makeup drawer. Both eyeliners are very pigmented and don't need much to go a long way.
The next three things I got were a gift with purchase kind of deal. The first is a lipgloss. I love the color and the packaging. The color is called Golddigger. It a shimmery nude gold color and it looks amazing on. I am definitely going to keep that one in my handbag.
The next thing in my gift with purchase was a primer. It works amazingly. I've used some primers before and nothing ever seemed to "prepare" my skin for makeup so I stopped wearing it. Now I have found a primer I know I'll use whenever I put my makeup on.
The last item that I got was a tinted moisturizer. It's a too dark for me but it seemed to be a quality product nice light coverage.
I got home and sat down to write this blog post and watch YouTube, after two hours I went to go get my homework to start and I ended up putting on almost all of my new NARS purchases. Here's a picture I took after it was applied to my face.
I hope you all enjoyed my blog post. I'm gonna start posting more often. The semester is almost over, winter break is almost here and the seniors are getting ready for walkabout. Posting will be a more of an option over the next few weeks. See you on Friday for my Meeting Sam Edelman post. (I know it's a month late but I was waiting for pictures and I was busy.)
Where to find me:
Wanna know things first? Follow me on Twitter: @brittjanie1
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Instagram: brittney_sutherin15
Tumblr: www.pippipadoodleydoo.tumblr.com
First off I want to apologize for not posting as frequently in the past few weeks as in the past. I've been very busy with school work and driving lessons. I promise next monday is going to be a HUGE media monday and I have a few posts coming up this weekend. Over Black Friday we shopped online at Nordstrom and I got NARS products and thought you'd like to see the pretty makeup I bought.
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Doesn't it look so pretty? |
Next thing I bought was Sheer Matte foundation. I heard so many amazing things about this foundation and I was determined to try it for myself. It has a really nice texture and has amazing coverage. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep the color I have as it might be too light or too pink.
The next two things I bought go hand in hand, well eye in eye. I bought two eyeliners one liquid and one just a regular eye pencil I think these are my favorite purchase. I fell in love with the liquid liner as soon as I saw it looked like a marker. Although the fact it looks like a marker might not be good when the little kids in my house go through my makeup drawer. Both eyeliners are very pigmented and don't need much to go a long way.
The next three things I got were a gift with purchase kind of deal. The first is a lipgloss. I love the color and the packaging. The color is called Golddigger. It a shimmery nude gold color and it looks amazing on. I am definitely going to keep that one in my handbag.
The next thing in my gift with purchase was a primer. It works amazingly. I've used some primers before and nothing ever seemed to "prepare" my skin for makeup so I stopped wearing it. Now I have found a primer I know I'll use whenever I put my makeup on.
The last item that I got was a tinted moisturizer. It's a too dark for me but it seemed to be a quality product nice light coverage.
I got home and sat down to write this blog post and watch YouTube, after two hours I went to go get my homework to start and I ended up putting on almost all of my new NARS purchases. Here's a picture I took after it was applied to my face.
I hope you all enjoyed my blog post. I'm gonna start posting more often. The semester is almost over, winter break is almost here and the seniors are getting ready for walkabout. Posting will be a more of an option over the next few weeks. See you on Friday for my Meeting Sam Edelman post. (I know it's a month late but I was waiting for pictures and I was busy.)
Where to find me:
Wanna know things first? Follow me on Twitter: @brittjanie1
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Instagram: brittney_sutherin15
Tumblr: www.pippipadoodleydoo.tumblr.com
Monday, November 11, 2013
Media Monday #13
Hello Everyone,
Today I'm coming to you with something a bit new. I'm changing Music Monday to Media Monday because as many of you know I go to movies, read books as well as listen to music. I wanted to expand to allow for me to review all of these things for you. This week we are starting off with TWO book reviews! Being by Kevin Brooks and Lucas by Kevin Brooks. I love both of these books but lets break it down and let me tell you why I like these books individually.
This book is a science fiction book. This book is about a boy who goes in for a stomach scan and the doctors find a metal clump in his stomach and the story is about his escape from the people who are after him, in the process finding love. This book was really well written and the author has a very good talent for descriptive writing. The story line was a nail bitter. I couldn't stop reading it once I started. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone and everyone.
This book is a realistic fiction book. This book isn't as much as a nail bitter but it very interesting and really very intriguing. The book is about a girl and her befriends a nomad boy named Lucas. The story line is a bit slow and you really have to be committed to get to the good part. The writing is good and description is very vivid. In the end I really enjoyed this book and I would recommend it to everyone.
I really hope you liked my book reviews. I think this change is going to be good for you and me.
Wanna know things first?
Follow me on Twitter: @brittjanie1
Other Social Media:
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Instagram: brittney_sutherin15
Tumblr: www.pippipadoodleydoo.tumblr.com
Today I'm coming to you with something a bit new. I'm changing Music Monday to Media Monday because as many of you know I go to movies, read books as well as listen to music. I wanted to expand to allow for me to review all of these things for you. This week we are starting off with TWO book reviews! Being by Kevin Brooks and Lucas by Kevin Brooks. I love both of these books but lets break it down and let me tell you why I like these books individually.
This book is a realistic fiction book. This book isn't as much as a nail bitter but it very interesting and really very intriguing. The book is about a girl and her befriends a nomad boy named Lucas. The story line is a bit slow and you really have to be committed to get to the good part. The writing is good and description is very vivid. In the end I really enjoyed this book and I would recommend it to everyone.
I really hope you liked my book reviews. I think this change is going to be good for you and me.
Wanna know things first?
Follow me on Twitter: @brittjanie1
Other Social Media:
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Instagram: brittney_sutherin15
Tumblr: www.pippipadoodleydoo.tumblr.com
Monday, October 28, 2013
Music Monday #12
Hello Everyone,
I hope you are getting pumped for Halloween. I know I am. There's a Halloween dance at my school on Saturday and my friends and I are going as The Avengers. Today is Monday which means music is coming your way. I have 2 albums and 2 songs in the line up today.
Let's start off with an album. In my last video I gave you a guess to this artist's name. I said they had been in a music monday before, but concert edition. If you guessed New Kids On The Block then you were right. New Kids released an album earlier this year called 10. It appears to be trying to attract an young crowd with their techno music backing up their vocals and their really almost cheesy love ballads.None the less, I still really enjoy this album. Take a listen for yourself you might actually enjoy them.
On Friday two artists released their new singles. Little Mix is one of the two artists. They came out with a single called Move. It has a different sound than what their DNA album sounded like but I think it sounds really cool. It took me awhile to get used to the sound because it is so different from what I'm used to hearing with them. I love their voices and their sound. I will admit I have a major girl crush on these lovely ladies from across the pond. Go check out their new song. It's absolutely amazing.
We all know Miley Cyrus whether from her Hannah Montana days or her recent twerking days. But just a few weeks ago she released her most recent album called Bangerz. I looked it up online and my friend Patrick showed me some of the songs and I really actually like her most recent album. I know not many people will find themselves looking up her new album because Miley hasn't had the best reputation recently but take the time to look at the album as if Miley Cyrus was not the artist.
Wanna know things first? Follow me on twitter: @brittjanie1
Other Links:
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Instagram: brittney_sutherin15
Tumblr: www.pippipadoodleydoo.tumblr.com
I hope you are getting pumped for Halloween. I know I am. There's a Halloween dance at my school on Saturday and my friends and I are going as The Avengers. Today is Monday which means music is coming your way. I have 2 albums and 2 songs in the line up today.
Let's start off with an album. In my last video I gave you a guess to this artist's name. I said they had been in a music monday before, but concert edition. If you guessed New Kids On The Block then you were right. New Kids released an album earlier this year called 10. It appears to be trying to attract an young crowd with their techno music backing up their vocals and their really almost cheesy love ballads.None the less, I still really enjoy this album. Take a listen for yourself you might actually enjoy them.
(I couldn't find a video with their full album on it so either go listen to the tracks on YouTube or go to iTunes to hear a preview of the track. Sorry for any inconvenience)
Lastly, and almost my favorite is One Direction's new song called Story of My Life. This single was released on Friday (surprising without any part of the fandom leaking it). It's too cute. I am always looking forward to the songs these boys put out mainly because it's always interesting to see how the songs mature as they mature. The soft ballad like beginning draws your ear to see how it's going to progress. Harry is the first one to sing and Niall has two solos. (yes TWO, I know right? he almost never gets a solo let alone two). As the chorus comes closer the song picks up the pace a bit. It's a great song musical and vocally.
I have a quick rant about this song. Yesterday, I was at my friend's house working on a project called DI (Destination Imagination) I started to play this song for one of my friends to see what he thought about it and my two other guys friends make so much noise protesting listening to anything One Direction because they automatically put any of the songs One Direction does into the "It's One Direction singing so it has to be bad" category and that pisses me off. You can like a song by an artist and not like the artist. You can also like the artist and not like a song by them. If people would just give the song a chance and not judge it by whose singing it, you might come to find you might ACTUALLY LIKE THE SONG (shocking I know right). If I can't not like the music you listen you shouldn't be able to not like the music I listen to. Got it? good.
That's it for this Monday! I'll see you all on Friday for another Feel Good Friday! Hope you enjoy the music whether you like the artist or not.
Other Links:
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Instagram: brittney_sutherin15
Tumblr: www.pippipadoodleydoo.tumblr.com
Monday, October 21, 2013
Music Monday #11
Hello Everyone,
It's another monday in the year. October 21 the start of another school week, trudging to your classes, going through the motions of school, work or whatever you have to do. Here's some music that might help you go through your week.
First is a song that has been out for a month or two now but it's music video just got released. Cher Lloyd's I Wish. I love this song. It's about feeling insecure because of the girls this guy usually hangs out with. I love it and think it's so catchy.
Next is a song that is so atypical to this band's usual sound. One Republic's Counting Stars is so catchy and I can't wait til I have money in my iTunes account to buy it.
Olly Murs is such a cutie pie as most of us will agree and in his music video for Dance With Me Tonight is no exception. His vocals are amazing and he always has a great music backup.
Lastly is Mike Deleasa's Too Damn Beautiful. I found this song awhile ago and then completely forgot about it. It's such a great song. Mike Deleasa is Danielle Jonas's brother, so show him some love and check out his song.
That's it for Music Monday this week. I'll see you on Wednesday with a homecoming post.
It's another monday in the year. October 21 the start of another school week, trudging to your classes, going through the motions of school, work or whatever you have to do. Here's some music that might help you go through your week.
First is a song that has been out for a month or two now but it's music video just got released. Cher Lloyd's I Wish. I love this song. It's about feeling insecure because of the girls this guy usually hangs out with. I love it and think it's so catchy.
Next is a song that is so atypical to this band's usual sound. One Republic's Counting Stars is so catchy and I can't wait til I have money in my iTunes account to buy it.
Olly Murs is such a cutie pie as most of us will agree and in his music video for Dance With Me Tonight is no exception. His vocals are amazing and he always has a great music backup.
Lastly is Mike Deleasa's Too Damn Beautiful. I found this song awhile ago and then completely forgot about it. It's such a great song. Mike Deleasa is Danielle Jonas's brother, so show him some love and check out his song.
That's it for Music Monday this week. I'll see you on Wednesday with a homecoming post.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Camp Christian Reflection 2013
Hello Everyone,
Every year we have this all school retreat called Camp Christian which allows me to take part in and find new friendships and rekindle old friendships. I love that this retreat allows us to take a day and a half for us to relax from our busy schedules and just relax. The interesting groups are always fun. Henna and Nail Polish is what I took part in this year. A bird on the back of my neck and my nails are painted for the first time in months. I've only been to two out of the four and I don't think there is any better way to spend the middle of October. That day and a half is the most fun I've had in a few months. It's a time when I get to learn more about the Linworth community and the people that make it up. There are a few hooligans that are always fun to watch but then there are the people that always flip the canoe over.(cough..Patrick...cough) I can't imagine anything more awesome than getting to know your fellow classmates better and making new friends. Everybody does amazing in the talent show. Zoe, Rachel, Josh, Neil, Thomas, Mitchell, Andrew, and everyone else who participated in the Talent show did absolutely amazing.
Now it's back to the day to day routine of school and afterschool activities. I had such an amazing time and I can't wait to go back next year.
Take some time this week to see what friends you can make.
Every year we have this all school retreat called Camp Christian which allows me to take part in and find new friendships and rekindle old friendships. I love that this retreat allows us to take a day and a half for us to relax from our busy schedules and just relax. The interesting groups are always fun. Henna and Nail Polish is what I took part in this year. A bird on the back of my neck and my nails are painted for the first time in months. I've only been to two out of the four and I don't think there is any better way to spend the middle of October. That day and a half is the most fun I've had in a few months. It's a time when I get to learn more about the Linworth community and the people that make it up. There are a few hooligans that are always fun to watch but then there are the people that always flip the canoe over.(cough..Patrick...cough) I can't imagine anything more awesome than getting to know your fellow classmates better and making new friends. Everybody does amazing in the talent show. Zoe, Rachel, Josh, Neil, Thomas, Mitchell, Andrew, and everyone else who participated in the Talent show did absolutely amazing.
Now it's back to the day to day routine of school and afterschool activities. I had such an amazing time and I can't wait to go back next year.
Take some time this week to see what friends you can make.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Music Monday #10
Hello Everyone,
Today I feel extra happy. I sure hope you all do too. I have some pretty awesome songs on the line up for you.
First is Beneath Your Beautiful by Labyrinth and Emeli Sande. I love this song. I think it's so cute and I really hope they play this at homecoming this year. There's not much music backing it up which I believe is the point. They wanted you to focus more on the lyrics and the meaning behind them rather than a sick music track.
Today I feel extra happy. I sure hope you all do too. I have some pretty awesome songs on the line up for you.
First is Beneath Your Beautiful by Labyrinth and Emeli Sande. I love this song. I think it's so cute and I really hope they play this at homecoming this year. There's not much music backing it up which I believe is the point. They wanted you to focus more on the lyrics and the meaning behind them rather than a sick music track.
Second is a song I original did not like. Let Her Go by Passenger. I didn't really like the vocals and the music was okay but not fabulous. Now I love it and it has a great message behind it.
Everyone knows Miley Cyrus's song We Can't Stop and has already made their opinions on it. What if I told you someone made a version of this song that will have you changing your (possibly) negative opinion of it into a positive one? Don't believe me? Well this guy on YouTube ScottBradleeLovesYou has a group on his channel that turns modern dance pop and hip-hop songs into songs from the 20's, 30's 40's 50's and so on. They did a cover of We Can't Stop and it is fabulous. I love it more than the original. The vocals are great, the music matches it well and it's just all around well done. I can't get this version out of my head!
Julz chose to do the song called Bullet by Hollywood Undead. I fell in love with how much of an oxymoron this song is. It's about someone wanting to commit suicide and yet the music completely contradicts the sad concept. The music is upbeat and happy.
Everyone knows Miley Cyrus's song We Can't Stop and has already made their opinions on it. What if I told you someone made a version of this song that will have you changing your (possibly) negative opinion of it into a positive one? Don't believe me? Well this guy on YouTube ScottBradleeLovesYou has a group on his channel that turns modern dance pop and hip-hop songs into songs from the 20's, 30's 40's 50's and so on. They did a cover of We Can't Stop and it is fabulous. I love it more than the original. The vocals are great, the music matches it well and it's just all around well done. I can't get this version out of my head!
These next two songs I give credit to my friends Julz and Zoe for making me love. We had a poetry assignment to analyze poetic prosody in songs and the songs that these lovely ladies choose are just amazing.
Julz chose to do the song called Bullet by Hollywood Undead. I fell in love with how much of an oxymoron this song is. It's about someone wanting to commit suicide and yet the music completely contradicts the sad concept. The music is upbeat and happy.
Zoe chose a song called Me and The Moon by Something Corporate. I really enjoy the music that accompanies this song. The Lyrics are very controversial and very graphic. The lyrics together with the music are very complimentary of each other.
That's all the wonderful music I have for you all today. I hope you enjoy listening to these throughout the week.
See you later this week.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Mini Nordstrom Haul
Hello Everyone,
Happy Friday! I know I usually don't post on Fridays. It seems I don't post anything except my music Mondays but that's changing starting today! I recently went to Nordstrom and bought some things. I put those things in a video to show you. First off I'm going to apologize for somethings in the video. First is lighting. It was 9:30 at night when I filmed this and I was using lamps as my light source. I am working on getting soft boxes but those probably won't be in my possession until December. Second is all the transitions. There were several things (people coming into my room, people yelling for me, etc) That I had to edit out and so there are a lot of weird transitions. You're probably wondering why I didn't just re-film. Well I did, several times in fact, but I thought this was the best one because of all the energy I had. Third, I would like to apologize for the ending. The only explaination I have for that one is that I was tired. Lastly, I am going to apologize to for the thumbnail that YouTube chose to use. I really need to start taking my own thumbnails
Happy Friday! I know I usually don't post on Fridays. It seems I don't post anything except my music Mondays but that's changing starting today! I recently went to Nordstrom and bought some things. I put those things in a video to show you. First off I'm going to apologize for somethings in the video. First is lighting. It was 9:30 at night when I filmed this and I was using lamps as my light source. I am working on getting soft boxes but those probably won't be in my possession until December. Second is all the transitions. There were several things (people coming into my room, people yelling for me, etc) That I had to edit out and so there are a lot of weird transitions. You're probably wondering why I didn't just re-film. Well I did, several times in fact, but I thought this was the best one because of all the energy I had. Third, I would like to apologize for the ending. The only explaination I have for that one is that I was tired. Lastly, I am going to apologize to for the thumbnail that YouTube chose to use. I really need to start taking my own thumbnails
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
YouTubers To Keep An Eye On
Hello Everyone,
As many of you know, I am a very avid YouTube watcher. I love discovering new YouTubers with under 5,000 subscribers. Today I'm going to tell you some of my favorite YouTube channels all have under 5,000 subscribers (except one YouTuber has like 17,000, I lied I know I'm sorry) .
First is a Canadian kid named Harrison Lee. He messaged me on YouTube asking me to check out his videos. I did and I loved them. I can tell he's gonna be a big YouTuber one day. He talks about things we can all relate to and makes them funny.
Next is an Ohio native. She actually goes to my school and is pretty awesome. She's so funny and I love talking to her in person and watching her videos. Her name is Candace. She was part of a series on SoulPancake called Live a Little and now she runs her own YouTube channel called HunanPenguin.
Gracy is from Connecticut and is very funny. She is 17. Go check her out!
That's all for you today! Make sure to check out all those amazing YouTubers.
Wanna know things first? Follow me on Twitter: @brittjanie1
Other Social Media:
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Tumblr: www.pippipadoodleydoo.tumblr.com
Instagram: brittney_sutherin15
As many of you know, I am a very avid YouTube watcher. I love discovering new YouTubers with under 5,000 subscribers. Today I'm going to tell you some of my favorite YouTube channels all have under 5,000 subscribers (except one YouTuber has like 17,000, I lied I know I'm sorry) .
First is a Canadian kid named Harrison Lee. He messaged me on YouTube asking me to check out his videos. I did and I loved them. I can tell he's gonna be a big YouTuber one day. He talks about things we can all relate to and makes them funny.
Next is an Ohio native. She actually goes to my school and is pretty awesome. She's so funny and I love talking to her in person and watching her videos. Her name is Candace. She was part of a series on SoulPancake called Live a Little and now she runs her own YouTube channel called HunanPenguin.
Gracy is from Connecticut and is very funny. She is 17. Go check her out!
That's all for you today! Make sure to check out all those amazing YouTubers.
Wanna know things first? Follow me on Twitter: @brittjanie1
Other Social Media:
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Tumblr: www.pippipadoodleydoo.tumblr.com
Instagram: brittney_sutherin15
Monday, September 16, 2013
Music Monday: Cher Lloyd Concert Edition #9
Hello Everyone,
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I know I did. This weekend I went up to Cleveland to see Zara Larrson, Jackson Gunthy, Fifth Harmony and Cher Lloyd at the House Of Blues. I got a picture while I was sitting in line to get in the venue.
The first to perform was Zara Larrson who is a 15 year old Swedish Singer. I didn't get to see much of her performance because we had just got inside the House of Blues as her set was ending. From what I heard of her she had an amazing voice and a nice stage presence. Since we came into the building as her set was ending I only got 2 pictures of her performance.
Next in the set line up was a kid named Jackson Guthy. He had been on The Ellen Show a few months back and he was a cutie! His music was good, but I believe he was lip syncing because when he would stop singing for a few seconds the voice on the track would continue.
Next in the line up was Fifth Harmony. I didn't know very much about Fifth Harmony but they really had a great sound and a their harmonizing was great. Although two out of the five girls looked they were trying really really hard to have the dance moves down.They did a cover of Royals by Lorde that was the highlight of their portion of concert.
After the concert we went back to the hotel and I took pictures of the t-shirt I bought. (Well really Dad bought for me, Thanks Dad)
The shirt has all the tour dates on the back and there is a picture of my ticket! I had a lot of fun at this concert and I highly suggest going to see Cher Lloyd whenever you can! She puts on an amazing show.
Follow Cher on Twitter: @CherLloyd
Follow Fifth Harmony on Twitter: @FifthHarmony
Follow Jackson Guthy on Twitter: @jacksonguthy
Follow Zara Larrson on Twitter: @RealZaraLarsson
I always have fun writing these Music Monday's for you! Thank You for the 1,001 pageviews! I love you all so much. Thanks for following me and supporting me and my blog.
Much Love,
Wanna know things first? Follow me on Twitter @brittjanie1
Other Social Media:
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Instagram: brittney_sutherin15
Tumblr: www.pippipadoodleydoo.tumblr.com
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I know I did. This weekend I went up to Cleveland to see Zara Larrson, Jackson Gunthy, Fifth Harmony and Cher Lloyd at the House Of Blues. I got a picture while I was sitting in line to get in the venue.
Next in the set line up was a kid named Jackson Guthy. He had been on The Ellen Show a few months back and he was a cutie! His music was good, but I believe he was lip syncing because when he would stop singing for a few seconds the voice on the track would continue.
Next in the line up was Fifth Harmony. I didn't know very much about Fifth Harmony but they really had a great sound and a their harmonizing was great. Although two out of the five girls looked they were trying really really hard to have the dance moves down.They did a cover of Royals by Lorde that was the highlight of their portion of concert.
Finally after a 15 minute intermission Cher Lloyd came on with her opening number of Swagger Jagger. After Swagger Jagger was finished she talked to us in her awesome English accent, telling us the doctor said she was having some vocal problems and asking us to sing along to any of the songs if we knew the words. Her whole stage presence was amazing. She sang I Wish, Playa Boi, I Wish, With Ur Love, a new song called Dirty Love (off of her new not yet released album) and finished off with Want U Back. That concert was the best 3 hours of my life. Cher even waved to me when I waved to her. It was so exciting.
After the concert we went back to the hotel and I took pictures of the t-shirt I bought. (Well really Dad bought for me, Thanks Dad)
The shirt has all the tour dates on the back and there is a picture of my ticket! I had a lot of fun at this concert and I highly suggest going to see Cher Lloyd whenever you can! She puts on an amazing show.
Follow Cher on Twitter: @CherLloyd
Follow Fifth Harmony on Twitter: @FifthHarmony
Follow Jackson Guthy on Twitter: @jacksonguthy
Follow Zara Larrson on Twitter: @RealZaraLarsson
I always have fun writing these Music Monday's for you! Thank You for the 1,001 pageviews! I love you all so much. Thanks for following me and supporting me and my blog.
Much Love,
Wanna know things first? Follow me on Twitter @brittjanie1
Other Social Media:
Vine: Brittney Sutherin
Instagram: brittney_sutherin15
Tumblr: www.pippipadoodleydoo.tumblr.com
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